Westward Ho! Baptist Church

Having fun at WaveBreakers

 Young PeoplE

On Sunday mornings after a short time of worship with the rest of the church, children age 4 to 10 have their own activities.  This group is called GLOW.

Older children and young teens also have their own activities.

Seaside Treasures is a group for accompanied Toddlers,
Thursdays during term time, 9.30 am - 11.30 am 

WHBC Youth held on Fridays 6.00 to 7.30 pm during term time, for school yrs 6 to yr 11.  They enjoy crafts, games, wii, pool, FOOD. Entry fee is just £1 

WHBC Kids is held weekly on a Friday from 4 pm to 5.30pm during term time.  This Club is for primary school children up to the age of about 10, and includes games, crafts, stories, food, and lots and lots of fun.   

Half Term Activities / Bank Holiday Activities / Christmas   see EVENTS

Kate, our tireless Youth Worker, dreams up amazing activities, some of which take place around the village, weather permitting.

SHINE Half term holiday club 2022
Above: Half-term holiday club October 2022  Click image for more pics



Photo from children's activities
Right:  photo from Dynamite Drama Day Creativity Rocks, our October half term fun week
view more photos by clicking the image

Photos Tuesday 26th School of Rock 2021

Photos Wednesday 27th 'Art Attack' 2021


Photo from Light Party



Left: photo from our Light Party - the real alternative to Halloween 





  • Nelson Drive
  • Westward Ho!
  • Bideford
  • Devon
  • EX39 1LQ

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