Westward Ho! Baptist Church


Westward Ho Baptist ChurchWe are a growing community of ordinary people who have discovered the amazing love of God through Jesus Christ. Together we’re learning to follow and experience him as the answer to the deepest needs of the human heart and the darkest problems that the world faces.

Vision Statement 2022We welcome everyone to come along and join us on Sundays!

You’ll be greeted on a Sunday at the door by stewards who will readily answer any questions and, if you’d like to be accompanied, will introduce you to someone in the fellowship. Words for hymns, songs and Bible passages are projected for easy viewing and printed copies including larger print versions are available; a loop system is available for anyone with hearing difficulties.

The worship leader will suggest when to stand or sit, so don’t feel uncomfortable! After the service, which lasts for 70-80 minutes, you are invited to stay for tea and coffee, chat and make new friends.

Sunday morning services are live-streamed 

Our Sunday morning service starts at 11 am but the church will be open for coffee from around 10.30 am 

It's all about Jesus - find out whyAll ages meet together, led by a group of mixed voices and instruments, to praise God with both modern songs and traditional hymns. Under-18s separate for their various group activities and our celebration continues with prayer, Bible readings and Bible-based teaching by the Pastor, members or visiting speakers. Finishing between 12.15 and 12.30, we usually have an informal time afterwards to meet and greet over light refreshments (Covid permitting).  Refreshments also available before the service. All Sunday morning services are also livestreamed.

Online CalendarOn the first Sunday morning and third Sunday evening of each month we share Communion (the Lord’s Supper) when all who follow Jesus are invited to share bread and non-alcoholic wine, giving thanks for Jesus’s saving love. 

On the fourth Sunday morning of the month, the morning service will be a family-type service where the children stay with us throughout, instead of separating for their own groups.  Following the service there will be a bring 'n share lunch (but don't worry if you cannot 'bring' just come and share there is always plenty).

Our Sunday evening service starts at 6.30 pm with a prayer session beforehand at 6 pm held in the Gallery.

A time of sung worship and bible teaching with tea / coffee afterwards.  


Sung Worship Team

Our sung worship team includes members using vocal, instrumental and technical gifts to assist us in worship – leading our singing, projecting song words and providing printed copies of hymns and songs if needed.


Our Pastor is Tim Sutton. Tim grew up in North Devon, and put his faith in Jesus at the age of 17.

He went on to train for mission and ministry at All Nations Christian College and then Spurgeon’s College, gaining a BA (Hons) in Biblical & Cross-Cultural Studies and an MA in Advanced Christian Studies. 

For most of the past 30 years, Tim has served in vocational Christian mission and ministry in this country and overseas. Tim and Annemarij joined the team at WHBC in September 2016.

Tim’s vision is to see people growing and flourishing as disciple-making disciples – followers of the one and only Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ!

In his free time he enjoys being taken for walks by the sea by his dog, Bilbo.

 To view photos of Tim & Annemarij's induction service, 23rd September 2017,  

  click the photo.

Loving Jesus, Sharing Life, Bringing Hope



  • Nelson Drive
  • Westward Ho!
  • Bideford
  • Devon
  • EX39 1LQ

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