Westward Ho! Baptist Church

Small groups meet to study the bible and pray

 Our home / small groups are an important part of what it means to be a Christian family. 

They encourage: Fellowship, Bible study, friendship, fun, pastoral care and outreach.  

There is a small group who meet at the church centre every other week, except during high summer and bank holidays etc.  WEDNESDAYS 2 pm. 

Check our CALENDAR and Connect notices for ongoing 

Other small groups meet in HOMES in various locations and at various times, so to find a group which suits you, please contact our ministry assistant.  minassist@westwardhobaptist.co.uk 

Home / small groups are a great way to get to know people really well and also help to encourage one another in our Christian faith. 


It's all about Jesus    




  • Nelson Drive
  • Westward Ho!
  • Bideford
  • Devon
  • EX39 1LQ

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