LIFE Stories
There will come a time in the life of every person where we realise God is reaching out to us. You are not reading this by accident. The stories here are from people who realised, some quite suddenly, others over time, the truth that God was reaching out in love to them. They accepted by faith this fact: that they could be made right with God through the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus said "I am come that they might have life, not just ordinary life but abundant life". John 10 -v- 10.
The bible tells us to taste and see that the Lord is good. Psalms 34 -v- 8 Here are some people who tasted ...
Amazed at how simple it is. I love the knowledge, through reading God's word, that God really really loves me, unconditionally. He knows all my mistakes you see, even those I haven't made yet! And it doesn't matter to Him - because He has already provided a way for me and He, the holy God and creator of the Universe, to be in a close relationship. That way was Jesus, who freely gave His life, once and for all, to cover all my mistakes, then rose again to be with his father in heaven.
From bitterness to love I come from a non-Christian background, never having had much to do with Church or religious things. As a young person my father died of cancer and I remember being told that he had gone to be with Jesus: I remember how bitter I felt that Jesus should take away my Dad. Through school I met with a group of young people who thought differently about Jesus and through their care, prayer and love, they helped me to see that Jesus actually loved me and had died for me and wanted to be my Saviour and Friend and through their friendship I came to accept and know Jesus for myself and found it to be true.
Jesus - companion and friend I wasn't brought up in a Christian home but started going to church in my 20s when my marriage broke up, and I was left with three children under five. I found the help I needed at that time from people at the church, but I also met with Jesus. My life was completely changed around as I committed myself to Him and, since that time, Jesus has been my constant companion and friend. I'm now in my 70s and thank the Lord for how He has led me over the years.
Christ is for life, not just for Sundays! I was brought up by Christian parents but as a teenager I had problems believing in God, although I continued to attend church. After struggling with this, and not being brave enough to express my doubts, eventually at the age of 16 I heard a personal testimony from one who had been a Christian for many years. Suddenly all the teaching I had been hearing over the past four years made sense and I accepted that in Christ I had found the answer to my doubts. That was over 50 years ago, and I still believe, but with greater assurance than ever.
Astounding love Born during the austere years of the 2nd world war, I left Sunday school in my teens but in my twenties, encouraged by a friend, I started to read the Bible – and many questions cropped up! A work colleague who was a Jehovah Witness helped me to understand their view of God’s word, and I soon thought that maybe I should join them. Then a neighbour encouraged me to listen again to what God is saying in his word, so one night my wife and I invited the Witness, our neighbour, and some Evangelical Christians to talk to us about their respective faiths. As these Christians explained that it was all about God’s love for us we realised that Jesus, God’s son, died for us so that we could become his children forever. God spoke to both of us that evening and within a few days we had given our lives to Jesus. Many years have passed since that time, with all its tears and joys, but I have always known that God has had us in his hand. His love is astounding, and I praise him for sending his son Jesus to be the saviour of the world.
John Kelly
Too young to know? Can it possibly mean anything long lasting and be of any consequence when a thirteen-year-old boy quietly asks God‘s forgiveness and Jesus Christ to ‘come into his life’? Now with the hindsight of nearly sixty years further on, I can say without hesitation … “Yes!” Whatever this life throws in my direction, whether failures or successes, ill health or happy days, I know I’m in his care. There is peace in my ‘central being’ and, what is more, eternity is going to be unbelievably wonderful! Jesus most certainly continues to be “the Way, the Truth and the Life” for me. He gets my ever-thankful praise. E.G.L.
Meaning and value I was 12 years old when I became convinced in my mind that I needed safety for eternity. When I asked Jesus in a simple way to be my Saviour, I was overcome with a real sense of peace. Throughout the years since then I have come to know God as a reality in my life and now, in my very much later years, realise that the step I took back then has led me into a life of meaning and value. I look forward, without fear, to meeting God in the knowledge that Jesus has died and paid the punishment for all the wrongs in my life. S.J.
Christian in Business. As a teenager, I realised that going to church with my parents did not make me a Christian – I needed to ask Jesus to take charge of my life, and what a difference he made! His presence has enhanced every experience, guided and steadied in every aspect of my life. There have been really tough times with severe family illness and business challenges but I have proved Jesus to be a faithful friend. He promised – and provides – life in all its fullness. Phil
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